Friday, June 17, 2016


Recently I've came in contact with ACNE!. I've found it more important than ever to keep my face clean. I usually drink alot of water on the daily anyways. But recently Ive started a new cleansing regime and it works WONDERS!. Not only does my face feel and look better, but I look better. When you look good, you feel good. I use african black soap in the mornings and right after my nightly work outs. After my breakouts, stop I've been on a journey to find something to fade darkspots for my skin.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I would like to talk about being motivated to exercise. There are different levels of motivation to me, depending on the goal. When it comes to weight lose, you have to be physically motivated. It's easy to be mentally motivated, simply because of the media. There are several different ways to try to get motivated. That can include watching videos or even looking at pictures.

I've found my motivation to loose weight. I've bought an outfit a size too little for myself, specifically a really nice outfit. Every now and then I try to squeeze in the outfit, which is hilarious to me. It can be very discouraging to be constantly working out and not seeing results. My mom and I work out every day. We started 2 weeks ago and she has lost 15 pounds, while I have gained 1 pound. It's particulary discouraging when everyone that you haven't seen a long time makes comments about your weight.

The harderst part for me, isn't the working out. I need motivation to eat right, which I haven't qute found yet. I lolok at all this healthy looking food on the web and get mentally motivated but not physically. I think I will start to do meal preps, which is prepping your meals for the week in all plastic containers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the whole week. The only thing that's motivating me right now is the thought that I will hopefully have a good body when I go on vacation in August. I listen to music while I work out to get motivated also. I've also noticed that eating healthy is really expensive, so sometimes that discourages me too. When I can go to Wendy's and get a 4 for $4 and be full, that is really discouraging.

Homework motivation

My motivation to do homework is at an all times low. I'm not exactly sure why but I know that I am not exactly doing all that great with keeping up with my work. I am still trying to find something that motivates me to do my homework. I think that I should think about the "bigger" picture. I have stopped doing homework in th bed and started doing my homework at my desk.

I have a couple of goals set to try to get motivated to do homework. I will start to make an agenda of when all my homework is due. I will also give myself time to be a procrastinator. I always have this issue with saying that " I will do better next time". Whenever the "next" time rolls around I always do the same thing. I will be a senior this year and I want to try my hardest to be motivated.

I will be a senior in the upcome fall. One of my goals will be to never procrastinate. I will also try to read my chapters instead of scheming through stuff. My grades are good, but I KNOW I can do better. I've found thisvideo on youtube that is very motivational talking about, "you have to want to be successful as much as you want to breathe".

Friday, June 10, 2016

One of my personal goals is get closer to God in 2016. I've always had a good relationship with Christ. Whenver I have a problem or even on a good day, I talk to God. I always thank him for bringing me this far and for how far he has brought me already. College can be very tempting for various things.

My mother is my motivation for wanting to get closer to Christ. She relies are God for her strength and that's admirable. There is nobody that can take her happiness away from her and that's really cool. Whenever I have a hard situation, her first question is " did you pray about it". I never really thinkk about to pray about it first. I always think about what can I physically do to fix my issue. 
Relegion plays a big role in my life. Especially when I'm in school and away from my parents is when I rely on Christ the most. I always try to say my prayers every night. I always try to go to church and get the most out of church, although it's not my home church. My motivation to get closer to God, is thinking about my future family and how I want my family to be close to God.