Friday, June 10, 2016

One of my personal goals is get closer to God in 2016. I've always had a good relationship with Christ. Whenver I have a problem or even on a good day, I talk to God. I always thank him for bringing me this far and for how far he has brought me already. College can be very tempting for various things.

My mother is my motivation for wanting to get closer to Christ. She relies are God for her strength and that's admirable. There is nobody that can take her happiness away from her and that's really cool. Whenever I have a hard situation, her first question is " did you pray about it". I never really thinkk about to pray about it first. I always think about what can I physically do to fix my issue. 
Relegion plays a big role in my life. Especially when I'm in school and away from my parents is when I rely on Christ the most. I always try to say my prayers every night. I always try to go to church and get the most out of church, although it's not my home church. My motivation to get closer to God, is thinking about my future family and how I want my family to be close to God.

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