Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Homework motivation

My motivation to do homework is at an all times low. I'm not exactly sure why but I know that I am not exactly doing all that great with keeping up with my work. I am still trying to find something that motivates me to do my homework. I think that I should think about the "bigger" picture. I have stopped doing homework in th bed and started doing my homework at my desk.

I have a couple of goals set to try to get motivated to do homework. I will start to make an agenda of when all my homework is due. I will also give myself time to be a procrastinator. I always have this issue with saying that " I will do better next time". Whenever the "next" time rolls around I always do the same thing. I will be a senior this year and I want to try my hardest to be motivated.

I will be a senior in the upcome fall. One of my goals will be to never procrastinate. I will also try to read my chapters instead of scheming through stuff. My grades are good, but I KNOW I can do better. I've found thisvideo on youtube that is very motivational talking about, "you have to want to be successful as much as you want to breathe".

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